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Five important changes to the Dutch Advertising Code for Alcoholic Beverages (RVA) effective April 1 2024 (not an April Fools' joke :-))

As of 1 April 2024, a number of changes will be made to the Dutch Advertising Code for Alcoholic Beverages (RVA). This post briefly outlines the five most important ones.

  1. In the new version of the RVA it is not allowed to display alcohol advertising on the boarding at amateur matches. At professional matches, this is still allowed. There will be a 6-month transition period. This transition period will therefore end on 1 October 2024. Bye bye alcohol ads at your 10-year old's field hockey match.  
  2. All advertising of alcoholic beverages will have to bear the logo NIX18. The NIX18 logo will replace the slogan “no 18, no alcohol”. Again, a transition period of 6 months applies, so the obligation to use the logo starts on 1 October 2024. Are you working on a new campaign for the Dutch market that will continue after 1 April 2024? Then it is advisable to already use the NIX18-logo instead of “no 18, no alcohol”.
  3. The new version of the RVA prohibits alcohol advertising on TikTok, as TikTok does not yet have a properly functioning age filter. As soon as TikTok has a functioning age filter by general standards, the prohibition to advertise on TikTok in the RVA will lapse. Incidentally, TikTok's T&Cs already prohibit alcohol advertising.
  4. The new version of the RVA provides for mandatory use of an 18+ age filter on social media when available. This requirement applies to both organic content and ads. Practically speaking, this change means that social media accounts of alcoholic beverage brands must set an age restriction for their account (if possible) and for all posts that could be seen as advertising alcoholic beverages.
  5. Sponsored posts from influencers advertising alcoholic beverages must also have an age filter of 18+ set.

Questions? Feel free to contact the advertising team at Hoogenraad & Haak!


alcohol advertising, new rules, advertising law