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New in the Netherlands: certified influencers

Today (Monday 22 April 2024) a new certification for influencers has been launched in the Netherlands, pushed by big brands who want it as a must: ‘Certified by’.  The Dutch Data and Marketing Association (DDMA), along with the Advertising Code Authority (Stichting Reclame Code) and the Association of Advertisers (Bond van Adverteerders), created the certification to make sure influencers follow advertising rules. Even though getting certified is not required by law for influencers, major companies like Unilever and Coca-Cola Netherlands say they'll only work with certified influencers. 

The certification is free for now but starting in August, it'll cost EUR 50. Getting certified shows influencers know and stick to the advertising rules, and they get listed in a public register alongside big names like Bram Krikke, Eloise van Oranje and Geraldine Kemper. To stay listed, they have to pass a certification test every year, and they're at risk to be booted off if they break the rules. The Advertising Code Authority monitors content compliance through an online monitoring system and provides recommendations and advice for perceived missteps. Certified influencers are thus assured of additional aftercare. 

Overall, this certification is a major development in making influencer marketing more honest and clear in the Netherlands.


influencers, advertising law